I strongly believe in social media and its benefits! Many people I encounter say “twitter” is dumb, “facebook” takes too much time, “Linked-In” doesn’t link me, “Blogging” is never found so why bother!
Well, it might be the fact that you either A) may be doing it wrong or B) not doing it enough or maybe both! Originally I though that blogging was a waste of time! Who would want to listen to me talk about staging or decorating or what happened at my last presentation?? But in reality people like to hear what you have to say, espeically if it has some sort of relevance to there industry!
How many of you say Tweeting, Facebook, & Blogging takes up sooo much time that it wastes time for you to find new clients?? That is because you are not utilizing applications that are designed to make you more efficient. Thanks to @Ribeezie on Twitter he was at the 2010 RESA confrence where I learned many ways to make me efficient in the social media world!
Being on social media is NOT designed to instantly generate business if that is your motivation then stop right now! Being on social media is so you can meet people, establish “meet-up’s” and get to know each other on a more personal level so you can begin to trust and develop relationships with them. It is VERY important for people to KNOW who they are dealing with prior to referring them, because reputation is everything and if you send out a bad referral that reflects poorly on yourself.
So how do you stay on top of social media and NOT go crazy???
Try to automate your tweets through out the week to help with the public appearance of you always being there while you are still focusing on working. There are many applications out there that are designed to help! But be sure you do check twitter daily so you can reply to DM’s or Hashtaging if applicable. Also down loading an app for your cell phone helps tremendiously, this is because it allows you to tweet or update on the fly! If your sitting in your car waiting for Mc.Donalds then tweet away utilize your time!
I also use a program that helps me POST my blogs, to ALL of my social media’s so I’m not doing it 100 times I type it once and it spreads it to ALL of my media outlets! Such as THIS blog for example is being sent out and its going to make it to all of my outlets such as Twitter, Facebook, Linked in, YouTube, Wordpress, Blogger, etc etc etc. This saves SOOO MUCH TIME and allows me to connect with all my outlets easily to keep in touch with my friends, clients, and furture business associates.
WHAT do you do to stay on top of YOUR social media relations?
If you want to know the specific applications I use just send me a message on any of the social media’s listed and I’ll be sure to let you know.
Kristy Morrison
Property Stylist & CEO
-RESA Rookie of the year finalist (2009 & 2010) for all of North America
-BBB Torch Award Winner for Marketplace Ethics.
We are on: Facebook, Twitter, Linked-In, Active Rain, Blogger, YouTube.
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