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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Throwing Marketing Mud against the wall with your home staging business.

Throwing Marketing Mud against the wall with your home staging business.

The last thing I want to delve into during this series, when it comes to developing your home staging niche is that of marketing.  I could have easily discussed this at the beginning of this series but it fits well here too.

There is a saying in marketing when you have not clearly defined your target and thus spend your marketing dollars blindly which is ‘Throwing Marketing Mud against the wall.’

That saying made a big impression on me when I first started actively marketing my home staging business and then my home staging training services.

I realized that I needed to carefully define my customer so I could clearly craft my message and deliver it in the right form of media to my future client.  This means that I  was not going to be able to say everything to everyone but rather, deliver the correct message to the correct person and highly increase my chances of conversion.

The same is true for you.  Once you choose your niche, and do your research, you have to start marketing.  Wouldn’t it be easier to market to your specific client?  That way, you can easily define what is important to them, what sort of problems they are running into and show them the solutions to these problems in your marketing.

If you are trying to say the same thing to every client, you will be lucky if it resonates with even a few. Plus it puts you in the same category as all the other home stagers who are saying the same thing to everyone as well.  Now who do they pick?

Once you know your customer, craft your message to speak specifically and directly to them…solve their problems with your marketing.  Not only is this more specific and direct but you will be able to use your marketing dollars more wisely as well.

Now you can spend only on the marketing and advertising that focuses on your defined market instead of ‘Throwing Marketing Mud against the wall.’

So, if you like, you can spend more on them, resulting in even morehome staging jobs, because you don’t have to waste your marketing dollars on the clients that you don’t want to attract.

Ultimately, you will spend less time and money advertising because you can remove those clients and properties that don’t apply and put all of your effort into attracting the right client.

***To receive Karen Schaefer’s APSD  Certified Home StagerSession #1 Free CD along with the Session #1 workbook, Karen’s book on the 5 Steps to Selling a Property or Listing in 30 days or less and her favorite Pocket of Emotion, just go or call             1-877-900-STAGE      

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