Did you know that in 2009, 14,700 homes were sold through MLS (meaning a realtor was used). Of those homes about 10% of them are “Market ready” and only 20% of them were staged. THAT MEANS 70% of realtors in Ottawa are not using home staging on there properties. That is outstanding! Considering many things, Staging pays for it’s self, it increases the value of the home, you can make more money off of your home with staging even in a HOT market.
Think about it, it’s a HOT market out there, homes are selling left right and centre so why stage? To appeal to the masses, if you didn’t stage a property in this market you’ll still probably get an offer maybe two if your lucky. But if you STAGE it first you are appealing to more buyers which increases your chances for a bidding war which is great for ALL parties!
You: Make more commision off of the increased income from the bidding war (good thing you brought us in!)
Home Owner: Will have a better return on their home from the increased value. (they’ll love you for life for maximizing their return)
Buyers: Love the property because it’s viewed as move in ready. (Did you know 80% of buyers are willing to pay more for a property that is move in ready!?)
More and more sellers are looking to list with an agent that works with a home staging company! Jump on this popular trend before it’s too late. Staging is PROVEN to work, if you are a non-beliver then bring us in for a consultation and see what the results are!
If you find it hard to talk to your clients about home staging then take a look at this short video, we think it will help.
we also have brochures and lots of information that you can utilize, information is key.
If you are intrested in pulling together a buyer or sellers semenar then please let us know we always want to get out their and publicize the benefits of home staging.
Kristy Morrison
Property Stylist & CEO
-RESA Rookie of the year finalist (2009 & 2010) for all of North America
-BBB Torch Award Winner for Marketplace Ethics.
We are on: Facebook, Twitter, Linked-In, Active Rain, Blogger, YouTube.
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