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Monday, August 17, 2009

Need to get organized? Use these tips!

It has been proven that clutter and disorganization causes stress, which leads to increased chances of sickness and poor relationships. Don't fall into the trap of being disorganized it's easy to get organized as well as stay organized. Try these simple tips to get any room or space started:

Once you have decided on a space to organize you can achieve order in 3 easy steps.
1) Cutback Clutter
We are in the middle of the green movement so let's use the 3 R's Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Now add the 3 D's Decide, Donate, Discard. I suggest having LOTS of clear garbage bags and boxes on hand for your donations and green garbage bags for garbage and recycling bins for paper you can recycle. Start in one spot and work your way out. Do not get distracted but take frequent breaks, when you break you allow yourself not to get overwhelmed. On your breaks take out what you have sorted out already this will free up your working space and show you your improvements you are making. Use our list of expiry dates and keep / toss log items (e-mail us to request those sheets)
2)Optimize Space
This is where a professional comes in handy but you can definitely try your self. Take a look at your newly "sorted" room it should look disorganized but yet a little bit more empty. Remember in a room you generally have 4 walls that go floor to ceiling, a closet and storage areas. Take a look at your left over items. Do you really need what is left? I always suggest taking another comb though once the initial purging has been done because you will see that once the initial purge is done you kept a few things that you really could part with. Discover your "hidden" space with in your room. can you bring in a floor to ceiling storage unit? do you have a wall where you can hang a cork board and filing racks? do you have a closet that you can optimize for your extra storage? instead of paper copies can you have electronic copies and back them up? Every room has a hidden space to help you with your organization. If you can not see it bring in an outside opinion for help.
3) Encourage Order
Once you have sorted & optimized your space you room should appear to be organized. To keep it this way you really have to "encourage" yourself to maintain this space on a daily basis. Do not let it slide because one day you'll walk back into that room and wonder what happened. Daily maintenance is the key to long term success.

If you have any organizing questions please do not hesitate to call we would be glad to help!

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