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Friday, August 21, 2009

Can you see past the Clutter?

Kitchen Before Staging

This kitchen's main function here not only is it to house kitchen items and cook but it also housed the child's frequently used toys. 90% of buyers can not envision the potential of a space. That means 90% of the people walking into this home to view it and decide if they want it will not see the clean, cleared out kitchen they will use but what they see in the above photo. Clutter and instantly think that there is not enough room for cooking, storing kitchen items or even eating.

Does this kitchen make you go WOW I want to cook here!?..........I bet you your answer is No! The point of home staging is to make the home appeal to the general home buyer, and the general buyer will not want a kitchen like this. What should be done to be ready for viewings!?

1) DECLUTTER: remove 100% of the children's toys. Toy's belong in the kids room only not all over the house.

2) Declutter Some More: go though your cabinetry and remove anything not used frequently this will free up space for your frequently used items kept on the counter top to be placed in the cabinets out of sight. If you have cabinets that do not go to the ceiling make sure you do not store anything on top of the cabinetry this will draw the buyers attention to that space and the attention is required to the kitchens actual space not on top.

3) Clear Your Countertops: On show days make sure your countertops are 100% cleared of items (even knives) place only accent pieces like a small plant or fresh fruit or fresh bread.

4) Clean Your Appliances & Kitchen: If there is one space I highly suggest spending some elbow grease is the kitchen. Everyone gauge of cleanliness is different so make this spot military clean, white glove everything especially your appliances if you are selling them with the home.
5) Turn on the Lights: Turning on the lights will show buyers how bright the space is, bright and clean are TOP selling features. People can live with a dated kitchen as long at its bright and clean.

6) Paint: If you have a dark or vibrant colour in your kitchen its worth your time and effort to paint it a neutral colour like ICI's Pillar. Buyers don't want to feel like they have to paint prior to moving in and 90% of the buyers may not like your colour selection. Play it safe stick to neutral colours.

Using those above steps in your kitchen will allow any space to be sought after. Check out the AFTER photo of the one above to see how it looks once those steps have been completed.

Kitchen After Staging

(Photo provided my Liam Swords Royal LePage's Professional Photographer)

Happy Staging!


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