August 22nd, 2011 The last thing I want to delve into during this series, when it comes to developing your home staging niche is that of marketing. I could have easily discussed this at the beginning of this series but it fits well here too.
There is a saying in marketing when you have not clearly defined your target and thus spend your marketing dollars blindly which is ‘Throwing Marketing Mud against the wall.’
That saying made a big impression on me when I first started actively marketing my home staging business and then my home staging training services.
I realized that I needed to carefully define my customer so I could clearly craft my message and deliver it in the right form of media to my future client. This means that I was not going to be able to say everything to everyone but rather, deliver the correct message to the correct person and highly increase my chances of conversion.
The same is true for you. Once you choose your niche, and do your research, you have to start marketing. Wouldn’t it be easier to market to your specific client? That way, you can easily define what is important to them, what sort of problems they are running into and show them the solutions to these problems in your marketing.
If you are trying to say the same thing to every client, you will be lucky if it resonates with even a few. Plus it puts you in the same category as all the other home stagers who are saying the same thing to everyone as well. Now who do they pick?
Once you know your customer, craft your message to speak specifically and directly to them…solve their problems with your marketing. Not only is this more specific and direct but you will be able to use your marketing dollars more wisely as well.
Now you can spend only on the marketing and advertising that focuses on your defined market instead of ‘Throwing Marketing Mud against the wall.’
So, if you like, you can spend more on them, resulting in even morehome staging jobs, because you don’t have to waste your marketing dollars on the clients that you don’t want to attract.
Ultimately, you will spend less time and money advertising because you can remove those clients and properties that don’t apply and put all of your effort into attracting the right client.
***To receive Karen Schaefer’s APSD Certified Home Stager Session #1 Free CD along with the Session #1 workbook, Karen’s book on the 5 Steps to Selling a Property or Listing in 30 days or less and her favorite Pocket of Emotion, just go to or call 1-877-900-STAGE
Tags: a home staging business, best home staging training, career home staging training, career in home staging, classes for home staging, Conversion, Correct Message, Correct Person, for home staging business, home stage training, Home Stagers, Home Staging Business, Home Staging Training, Marketing Advertising, Marketing And Advertising, Marketing Business, Mud, Niche, Target
Posted in Home Stager, Home Stager School, Home Stager Trainer,Home Stager Training, Home Staging Business, Home Staging Career,Home Staging Certification, Home Staging Tips | No Comments »
August 15th, 2011 In part 2 of this series we talked of the importance in creating a niche for your home staging business. During this part I am going to show you exactly how to do the research in order to make sure the niche you choose is fun, abundant and profitable.
As you commit to your niche it is always tempting to slide backward. It is just human nature as we fear that there will not be enough work.
That is why it is not enough to just love doing a certain type of home or working with a specific genre of agent and so on. You have to do your research. Yes, it is always awesome to be able to do something you love and you are, by being in the home staging industry. Now though, you must take the next step and do your research.
Let’s say for example that you have decided to focus on staging homes that are in the $1-$2 Million dollar price range. You may have an affinity for affluent home, own several great home staging décor items that lend themselves well to high end staging’s and not enjoy doing small homes, hence your selection.
Now you have to go out and find enough $1-$2 million dollar homes in the area in which you are going to offer your home staging services.
There are 3 things you need to pay attention to:
1) Are there enough homes in your home staging area within this price range to support your home staging business goals? This is easy, if there are several neighborhoods with this type of home, the answer is yes, if there is only one, I would proceed with caution.
2) If there are enough, how many are for sale, how often do they go for sale and how long do they stay for sale? You need to make that there is enough turnover to keep your home staging funnel filled withhome staging jobs and the only way you can do that is by finding out these statistics. Once you know there are enough, how often they get listed for sale, you also need to find out how long they stay on the market. If they generally sell in under 30 days without any staging, they will be hesitant to use your services in a buyers market. In a sellers market, this may not be the same case as then, they will be looking to get a higher price so you need to know what type of market you are in when you begin your research.
This is not difficult information to find, usually you can find it on the county assessors site,, or by calling a local real estate agent in the know.
3) Finally, do they have a history of buying? Specifically, do they have a history of buying home staging services. Again, this is where your agent will come in handy as an agent that works the area would know whether or not these homes have a history of buying home staging services. If they don’t have a strong history at this point, the other point upon which to inquire would be if they are trending towardhome staging services. So it may be a new idea or need in the area that is just now coming. Either way it is great news.
Remember, yes, choose your niche according to what you love, and what you are good at but be a business person first and do your research. That way, you will also love the income you are now making with your new niched home staging business.
***To receive Karen Schaefer’s APSD Certified Home Stager Session #1 Free CD along with the Session #1 workbook, Karen’s book on the 5 Steps to Selling a Property or Listing in 30 days or less and her favorite Pocket of Emotion, just go to or call 1-877-900-STAGE
Tags: 3 Things, a home staging business, Affinity, best home staging training, Business Goals, career home staging training, career in home staging, Caution, certification for home staging, classes for home staging, Dollar Price, Focus, for home staging business, Fun, Genre,Home Staging Business, Home Staging Services, Home Staging Training, Human Nature, Jobs, Love, Million Dollar Homes, Niche,Staging Area, Staging Homes, Statistics, Turnover
Posted in Home Stager, Home Stager School, Home Stager Training,Home Staging Business, Home Staging Career, Home Staging Certification, Home Staging Marketing, home staging statistics, Home Staging Tips | 1 Comment »
August 8th, 2011 Last week we discovered the 4 ways to niche your home staging business. This week I want to focus on the reason it is important to niche your home staging services and company.
The reason a niche is important is because it differentiates you from other home stagers in your current local market. This is of course true for any type of business in any market place, but for now, let’s stick tohome staging businesses.
Take a close look at all the other Certified Home Stagers in your city. Chances are, everyone is similar. They offer home staging services, have similar looking pretty pictures on their websites, maybe offer a few other services such as shopping, color selection and so on but they are all the same.
At APSD, all of the Certified Home Stagers use POE’s or Pockets of Emotion™ in their home staging’s. The reason is that it differentiates their staging’s from the other stagers in the area. When buyers are looking at 10 different houses that may all be nicely staged, the only thing that makes the houses stand out and memorable (that by the way, is a home staging golden nugget) is the POE. The buyer remembers it, the home sells faster, your client loves you and books you for your next staging job.
So, at APSD we use POE’s to make our home stager’s and home staging jobs stand out and you should be doing the same with yourhome staging business and home staging services. By choosing your niche, doing a great job with it and getting results, now you will be taking a step ahead of the other home stagers in your market.
Focus your marketing, your skills and your energy toward your niche market and you will find that whenever anyone needs a million dollar home staged, or a vacation rental staged or an investment property staged or a home in the Fox Valley area staged…you will be the one that they call because you developed your niche, positioned yourself within that niche as the leading expert, and are now the ‘go-to person’ to get results.
Once you create your niche, garner excellent results and then begin marketing those services and results, you will soon become the leading local expert on home staging and curb appeal (or whatever your niche happens to be.)
***To receive Karen Schaefer’s APSD Certified Home Stager Session #1 Free CD along with the Session #1 workbook, Karen’s book on the 5 Steps to Selling a Property or Listing in 30 days or less and her favorite Pocket of Emotion, just go to or call 1-877-900-STAGE
Tags: a home staging business, best home staging training, Books,career in home staging, certification for home staging, classes for home staging, Color Selection, Emotion, Focus, for home staging business,Fox Valley Area, Golden Nugget, Home Stager, Home Stager School,Home Stager Training, Home Stagers, Home Staging Business, Home Staging Services, Home Staging Training, Investment Property, Job,Jobs, Local Market, Marketing Skills, Niche Market, Pockets, Poe, Pretty Pictures, Vacation Rental
Posted in Home Stager, Home Stager School, Home Stager Training,Home Staging Business, Home Staging Career, Home Staging Certification, Home staging cost, Uncategorized | No Comments »
August 1st, 2011 As a coach and mentor to small and mid- sized business owners from across the country, I help them to hone in on their niche market. This prevents them from ‘throwing mud against a wall’ when it comes to marketing and creating their marketing message.
I do the same with my higher level certified Home Stagers and Home Stager Trainers. I always tell them to find their niche and follow it!
And in truth, I walk the talk. When I first created APSD, I built a 6 stephome staging pyramid that aligned with the systems I teach. I was building a niche training that would appeal to those that really wanted to run a business vs. just a hobby and even today, everything I do, I do it with the niche I have created for my specific customer, in mind.
In this issue of the HSR, I want to talk to you, about how you too can create ‘Riches in Niches’ with your home staging business.
One of the first thoughts you may be having, especially if you are new to home staging is that ‘oh no, I can’t turn away any business at all.’ I am not condoning that you do, but I do suggest that you decided specifically what you would most enjoy when it comes to home staging.
You can niche a type of home you want to stage, a certain kind of client, an area or even a staging service. Let me give you a few examples;
1) Niche a type of home: You might love staging small beachside cottages. Perhaps you have purchased staging décor over the years that accommodate these kinds of homes and you have a special feel for the style that helps to sell these cottages. You may also have a great track record which helps to promote your services within this niche. A sub-niche of this might be staging beachside vacation rentals. So, once you develop your initial niche, now you can sub-niche as well.
2) Niche a Client: When I first started I wanted to work with real estate investors. I knew the investing world and investment properties so it became a niche for me and before I knew it, I was very good at promoting my niche. You may decide to niche real estate agents that only work with a certain type of home or in a certain area, the same can be done with investors. A few home stagers niche FSBO (For Sale by Owner) although I always believe this is your most difficult client. You can even niche a bank and secure all of the REO listings for staging. There are all sorts of clients you can decide to niche and it may dictate the type of home and staging services you provide.
3) Niche an area: Usually home stagers will decide to niche an area close to home. This is smart since you know the area, you can specialize in this area, type of home and who the buyer would be, and it is convenient. In my instance, within about 60 minutes of where I live, there was a much more appealing market to me. They were less conservative and more willing to be aggressive and get their home sold quickly. So it may be close to your home, an area that is good for business, or a section of town that has the type of homes in which you excel.
4) Niche a Service: You can also niche a type of home staging servicesuch as home staging, curb appeal, color analysis, open house events, etc. I find it is usually best to combine a niche service with a sub-service such as home staging plus curb appeal. This way you always have a core service plus a sub service that makes you stand apart from the other home stagers in your area.
Once you create your niche, garner excellent results and then begin marketing those services and results, you will soon become the leading local expert on home staging and curb appeal (or whatever your niche happens to be.)
***To receive Karen Schaefer’s APSD Certified Home Stager Session #1 Free CD along with the Session #1 workbook, Karen’s book on the 5 Steps to Selling a Property or Listing in 30 days or less and her favorite Pocket of Emotion, just go to or call 1-877-900-STAGE
Tags: a home staging business, Beachside Cottages, best home staging training, Business Coach, career home staging training, career in home staging, certification for home staging, classes for home staging, First Thoughts, for home staging business, home stage training, Home Stager, Home Stager Training, Home Stagers, Home staging, home staging as a career, Home Staging Business, home staging careers, Hsr, Investment Properties, Love, Marketing, Mentor,Mud, Niche Market, Niches, Real Estate Investors, Sized Business Owners, Staging Service, Step Pyramid, Truth, Vacation Rentals
Posted in Home Stager, Home Stager School, Home Stager Training,Home Staging Business, Home Staging Career, Home Staging Certification, Home Staging Training Videos | 7 Comments »
July 25th, 2011 Finally, you are ready to explode your Home Staging business by defining your BSHH, focusing on your money tasks, getting your family on board and being 100% present when you work. You also have clearly defined goals and plans via your 12 month home stagingblueprint so you are constantly avoiding any chance of distraction or procrastination.
I would like to tell you now, that the hard part is over…but you still have to light the fuse! Nothing happens without action.
This past week I was in Florida at Russell Brunson’s conference. My husband, Pete Treloar was there speaking on his amazing Online Coaching Systems (he was fabulous, by the way) and at the very end of the conference, Russell took everyone though a Tony Robbins exercise.
Many of you have experienced it in one way or another where you write down what you have achieved 6 months from now in the correct tense and then the letter is mailed to you. I appreciated Russell talking about this because I think we lose sight of the importance of mindset.
All of our APSD Certified Home Staging Professionals have the skill set to move forward and create an amazing home staging business. The thing that often stops many of us is not our skill set, but rather our mindset.
In order to get to where you want to be, you have to get your mind there first. Part of taking action is getting your mind to believe you can achieve (to quote another great guru). I notice than many of the extraordinary members that come to APSD, originally don’t have the confidence that they need in order to grow. Thankfully, at an event like STAGE 2011, they often grab onto the confidence and never let go.
So, how do you get the confidence and then the mindset adjustment in order to create fireworks in your own home staging business.
I read something every morning. Usually it is something I want to learn which gives me a great deal of confidence because I am constantly depositing information into my mind bank.
Sometimes, I just sit and think. I often think in terms of gratitude and achievement. How I am currently thankful for my gifts and how to grow the other pieces of my vision. This is what puts my mind in the right place.
And lastly, I decide. Russell shared another story of ‘lead or gold.’ Again it is one many of you have heard in the past but it was a good reminder for me. You can choose lead (in other words, a bullet from a gun because you are choosing not to achieve) or a bag of gold…you always get the choice; lead or gold.
For me, this reminded me to set my ‘lead or gold’ deadlines. This way, I always know how long I have to go for the home staging gold!
If you truly want to declare your independence with your home staging business, and have it repay you time and financial freedom, it is time to set off the fireworks and do what it takes to get to the grand finale!
To your home staging success,
Karen Schaefer
Founder, APSD; The Association of Property Scene Designers
***Get your complimentary home staging training CD
Tags: a home staging business, best home staging training, Blueprint,career home staging training, career in home staging, Confidence,Distraction, Exercise, Fireworks, for home staging business, Fuse,Guru, Home Stager, Home Stagers, home staging as a career, Home Staging Business, Home Staging Training, Members, Mindset, Money,Ome, Procrastination, Russell Brunson, Tense, Tony Robbins, Treloar
Posted in Home Stager, Home Stager School, Home Stager Training,Home Staging Business, Home Staging Career, Home Staging Certification, Home Staging Tips | 5 Comments »
July 18th, 2011 Now that you know your BSHH, your money tasks and have the support of those around you, it is time to buckle down and build thathome staging business and take it to the next level.
But what is happening? Why aren’t you going gangbusters and shooting off bottle rockets? It is because you have been bitten by the procrastination bug. I used to procrastinate like crazy but one day I finally realized that I was never going to get any younger and unless I buckled down and really focused on what I wanted, and worked toward it every day, I would never get to where I deserved to be.
According to Dan Kennedy there are tons of ways to procrastinate and to get sucked down the productivity drain holes.
One of the most common reasons this happens is because you lack a clear and organized list of priorities. It goes back to defining you BSHH and taking action on your money tasks.
If you have a very clear vision of what you want your home staging business to look like, your chances of ranking your priorities, organizing them accordingly and taking action greatly increases.
So, let’s start by creating your home staging vision. At the STAGE 2011 event, we created a customized home staging blueprint for each person to follow when they went home. By doing this, they now have a very clear vision, they are completely organized and their actions are prioritized.
The first thing we did was to answer the following questions:
1) what is you 12 month intention for your business? Write this out carefully and thoughtfully as the rest of your plan depends upon this answer. This is similar to your one year goal but you should put some specific thought into it rather than just saying you want to have “$100k and 25 new clients.” There is nothing wrong with that but add some substance to back it up.
2) Tell me what you will do every single day for the next 365 days to support this goal. I did not say this is easy. I have never been accused of being a ‘get rich quick’ kind of person. You have to focus and work on this. Of course, you can take a day off each week, but I am a big believer of Jim Rohn’s philosophy ‘work 6, rest 1.’
3) What will you do each week to support this goal? Now you have daily tasks and of course, there are probably weekly tasks as well. This might involve weekly visits to real estate offices, weekly mailings or phone calls. You decide what it involves and then make it happen.
4) What are you willing to do each month to support this goal? More than likely each month you have the opportunity to attend several networking events such as agent socials, real estate investor meetings, women’s organizations, etc. Take the opportunity to network in the ‘right’ circle as often as possible.
5) Finally, who do you need to help you to achieve this goal? At the APSD event, STAGE 2011, many of the home stagers in the room, listed me, Karen Schaefer, their family members, community centers of influence and often team members such as webmasters and cleaners.
By spending time answering these questions, you will begin to develop your own home staging blueprint to follow in order to achieve your goals in the next 12 months.
Now your greatest task at hand is to create your fireworks grand finale! You do this by dividing this goal into the next 12 months, listing out exactly what needs to happen, how and your results.
Always give yourself a reward as well, because trust me, you will deserve it!
To your home staging success,
Karen Schaefer
Founder, APSD; The Association of Property Scene Designers
***Get your complimentary home staging training CD
Tags: 100k, 365 Days, a home staging business, best home staging training, Blueprint, Bottle Rockets, certification for home staging,classes for home staging, Clear Vision, Dan Kennedy, Drain Holes, for home staging business, Gangbusters, Home Stager School, Home Stager Training, Home staging, Home Staging Business, Home Staging Training, Intention, Money, Next Level, Priorities, Procrastination,Productivity, Single Day
Posted in Home Stager, Home Stager School, Home Stager Training,Home Staging Business, Home Staging Certification, home staging statistics, Home Staging Tips | 2 Comments »
July 17th, 2011 Hello,
Thank you for joining the “How to Become an APSD Home Stager Trainer” Webinar.
I know you are going to love the information I share.
Below is the link to download your FREE Report – “25 Streams of Home Staging Income”
By adding each of these services to just one property in your
existing home staging business per month, you can build
an additional $368,152 of home staging income!!!
25 Streams of Home Staging Income
I look forward to having you on the webinar.
Please leave a comment and let me know you received your report!
Karen Schaefer, Founder, APSD
Tags: Existing Home, Free Streams, Hello, Home Stager, Home Staging Business, Karen Schaefer, Streams Of Income
Posted in Curb Appeal Contest, Home Stager, Home Stager Trainer,Home Stager Training, Home Staging Certification, Home staging cost,Home Staging Event, Home Staging Marketing, Home staging Photos,Home Staging Prices, home staging statistics | Comments Off
July 12th, 2011 Tags: 9am, a home staging business, Apsd, best home staging training, career in home staging, certification for home staging, classes for home staging, Courtyard Marriott, Curb Appeal, Design Business,for home staging business, Home Stager, home staging careers, Home Staging Training, Karen Schaefer, Marriott, Nbsp, Ottawa, Ottawa Ca,Scene Designers, Stage Canada, Staging System
Posted in Curb Appeal Contest, Home Stager, Home Stager School,Home Stager Training, Home Staging Business, Home Staging Career,Home Staging Certification, Home staging cost, Home Staging Event,Home Staging Marketing, Home staging Photos, Home Staging Prices,home staging statistics, Home Staging Tips, Home Staging Training Videos, Uncategorized | Comments Off
July 11th, 2011 The next concept we discussed during ‘STAGE 2011” was the philosophy that I keep for myself, my family and my clients; “Unless there is blood, don’t knock.!” I know that many of you that are moms have heard this before and at some point, you just have to decide to get your Home Staging work done or to allow yourself to be continually distracted.
If you choose the latter, I can promise you that you are not serving yourself, your home staging business, your home staging clients and least of all your family.
Once you have defined your bright, shiny happy hours and determined your money tasks for building your home staging business now you have to actually get this work done. You can only do that with the help of all those around you. What I normally suggest is that you create a space in your home or another outside office space and you work, uninterrupted during your ‘bright, shiny, happy hours.’
If you are working out of your home, create a private workspace that no one else is allowed to use. You can’t share your phone, computer or space with anyone else during your “BSHH (bright, shiny, happy hours).”
Hang a notice on your door that says “Unless there is blood, don’t knock. I am making money so we can all go to Cancun for Christmas!” Give your family a reason NOT to bother your during this time so you can have concentrated focus while you are working.
It is a good idea to get together with your kids and spouse, tell them how much this means to you and what it will mean for all of them if you can just have 2-4 hours a day to build your home staging business so you can get more curb appeal jobs, more home staging jobs, etc. You can also tell them that your mentor, Karen Schaefer of APSD, will talk about you incessantly each time you achieve great results!
Sometimes, you can give them a ‘group’ reason such as I have done above with the trip to Cancun but other times, make it more personable. Ask each of them what they would like as a ‘Thank you gift’ for helping you to achieve your goals. Then list those items on your door notice. An example of this would be “Please don’t knock as I am busy making money for Kyle’s new computer, Emma’s IPad, and Dad’s trip to go fly fishing.”
The next step is to also get them to pitch in and help you. You can’t always go it alone and there are times your family will need to sweep the floor, pick up the mail or even do some computer work for you. Assign the tasks, along with dates of completion and list the rewards. You will be surprised by how well everyone pitches in and lends support when you tell them specifically what you need and what they will receive.
Home staging is an awesome industry that allows you to run a successful home staging business on your own terms…but you have to make sure you have ‘terms’ in order to create your own home staging fireworks!
If you can stop and focus on your home staging business for just 2-4 hours a day, you can successfully grow your business, with steady work and consistency to a six figure business.
To your home staging success,
Karen Schaefer
Founder, APSD; The Association of Property Scene Designers
***Get your complimentary home staging training CD
Tags: a home staging business, Apsd, best home staging training,Business Philosophy, Cancun, Christmas, classes for home staging,Curb Appeal, for home staging business, Happy Hours, Home Stager School, Home Stager Training, Home staging, home staging as a career, Home Staging Business, Home Staging Training, Jobs, Karen Schaefer, Making Money, Mentor, Office Space, Phone Computer,Private Workspace, Reason
Posted in Home Stager, Home Stager School, Home Stager Training,Home Staging Business, Home Staging Career, Home Staging Certification, Home Staging Marketing, home staging statistics, Home Staging Tips, Home Staging Training Videos | 8 Comments »
July 5th, 2011 At STAGE 2011 we took the time to really stop and define what it takes to ‘up-level’ your home staging business. The training started by everyone introducing themselves, telling us where they were from and why they decided to come to STAGE 2011. Nearly everyone in attendance said they were there to take their business to the next level, or ‘up-level’ their home staging business.
You see, despite all the trainings that are available in this industry, the men and women that came to STAGE 2011 were there to BUILD their BUSINESSES. That is really what APSD is all about; The marketing, growth and development of your home staging business.
And, while we discussed the 19 ways to market your home staging business, as well as the 27 streams of income for your home staging business (yes! I was not joking when I said STAGE is the training of a lifetime!), we also took the time to define everyone’s most powerful working hours, how they can teach their family to ‘let them work’ and how to avoid Productivity Drain holes, according to one of my mentors, Dan Kennedy.
In order to get your Home Staging Business to be as ‘explosive as a firecracker’ you really have to get yourself in the right mindset and the right workplace in order to accomplish your goals.
So, we started the conversation by defining our ‘bright, shiny, happy hours.’ In other words, what are your most alert, creative and focused hours in the day? Mine are from 4am to 9am which is why I always get up early. It is quiet, I don’t yet have to put out fires and life is really good for me during those hours.
That is when I get my best work done; my money making tasks. The problem that we all have is that we do all the things that make us feel as though we have accomplished a great deal first. Normally, these are things we can do when we are tired, such as cleaning, laundry and paying bills. But when we scratch them off our list, we feel a great sense of satisfaction and accomplishment.
The problem though is at some point during the day, life gets in the way, we get busy and we never complete our ‘money tasks.’ “Tomorrow’ we tell ourselves, but tomorrow turns into next week, next week into next month and before you know it we are celebrating yet another birthday and are still in the same position as the year before, wondering where all of our time goes.
If you really want to set off the fireworks in your home staging business, you must define your bright shiny happy hours along with your money making tasks and make sure those get done before anything else. The dishes can wait, the laundry can wait…but how much longer are you willing to wait?
To your home staging success,
Karen Schaefer
Founder, APSD; The Association of Property Scene Designers
***Get your complimentary home staging training CD
Tags: 4am, 9am, a home staging business, Apsd, Attendance, best home staging training, career home staging training, career in home staging, certification for home staging, classes for home staging,Creative, Drain Holes, Firecracker Part, Fires, for home staging business, Goals, Growth And Development, Happy Hours, Home Stagers, home staging as a career, Home Staging Business, Home Staging Training, Laundry, Lifetime, Marketing, Men And Women,Mentors, Mindset, Next Level, Productivity, Streams Of Income
Posted in Home Stager, Home Stager School, Home Stager Training,Home Staging Business, Home Staging Career, Home Staging Certification, Home staging cost, Home Staging Event, Home Staging Marketing | 3 Comments »
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