Selling your home near Halloween can be SCARY!.....
You have to keep in mind your Halloween decor while selling your home. Buyers will not appreciate going up to a home that scares them till next week! Their is a way to decorate your home for Halloween so your kids can still enjoy the fun but you don't scare away potential buyers! Here are a few tips.....
2) Reduce the amount of exterior scare, no cobwebs, spiders, things that jump out you want buyers to WANT to enter the home not run away screaming.
3) Interior should have festive small pumpkins, gourds, arranged decoratively, you can even get the kids to paint fun faces on the mini pumpkins. This is more fun, cute and definitely won't scare buyers away! It only takes one time to scare away a buyer do you really want to take that chance over a 1 day kids holiday?? Kristy Morrison
Capital Home Staging & Design
613 832-8958 / info@chsd.ca Sent from my iPad
Its great Blog.Home Staging is a growing profession and may help to get your languishing home sold. Home Staging is a marketing investment in selling a home.