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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

How to sell your home around Halloween with out scaring buyers away!!

Selling your home near Halloween can be SCARY!.....
You have to keep in mind your Halloween decor while selling your home. Buyers will not appreciate going up to a home that scares them till next week! Their is a way to decorate your home for Halloween so your kids can still enjoy the fun but you don't scare away potential buyers! Here are a few tips.....

1) Go for "PG" rated think kids and don't go over the top (this year)
2) Reduce the amount of exterior scare, no cobwebs, spiders, things that jump out you want buyers to WANT to enter the home not run away screaming.
3) Interior should have festive small pumpkins, gourds, arranged decoratively, you can even get the kids to paint fun faces on the mini pumpkins. This is more fun, cute and definitely won't scare buyers away!

It only takes one time to scare away a buyer do you really want to take that chance over a 1 day kids holiday?? Kristy Morrison
Capital Home Staging & Design
613 832-8958 / Sent from my iPad

Posted via email from Kristy's posterous

Friday, October 1, 2010

What is the best secret weapon for any business???? Business Coach!

Plain and amazing business coach!
A business coach will evaluate where you stand in your industry what you are doing well and what you can improve on as well as help you think outside the box and create ways to draw attention to your business!

Working day in and day out in your business or on your business can wear you down mentally so your "creative" aspects can not shine and a worst case scenario you let things slide and become an after thought which is the WORST thing for your business.....becoming an after thought. In my company being TOMA (top of mind always) is very important to me for Capital Home Staging & Design which is why I love working with and having our weekly coaching meetings Mary Anne Gillispie of "Red Apple Coaching" MAG is high energy, honest, creative, and inspiring to me as a business owner! One of the greatest ideas thought up by MAG was an alternate world in a space that appears to be normal.......a fully staged tent in the middle of a golf course at a local golf tournament! I thought of sponsoring a golf hole before but how can I make it memorable???.......well this definitely made it memorable! I was able to bring out couches, accessories, art, rugs, lamps, tables, food etc and having this on my sponsored hole where I was able to meet some great real estate agents that I hope to develop a strong business relationship with!

MAG knows that I have big plans for my company and I am confident that with her on my right arm I can stay focused and obtain my short and long term goals. It is important to have someone there you can talk to, count on and brainstorm with! So, if you are in business whether you are an agent, stager, mortgage broker etc who has their own business and you want to stay focused or even obtain help with goal setting or thinking outside the box then call MAG at RED APPLE COACHING. You will not regret it!!

Kristy Morrison
Capital Home Staging & Design
613 832-8958 / Sent from my iPad

Posted via email from Kristy's posterous