Living in your home for a while or moving in shortly sometimes you just don't know what to do with furniture! If you currently live if your home & you don't know if your room layout is the best or maybe you even hate your existing layout we can help!
With Interior Redesign we take your existing furniture with in that room (or even other rooms) and help you determine the best possible lay out for this room. We will take room measurements and furniture measurements and develop a birds eye view layout of different lay out possibilities.
This way you can see how your furniture will look BEFORE you move everything around which makes it much easier on you and your back!!
With Interior Decorating we do the similar process we take room measurements and that's it. We will determine the best layout for the room and different types or styles of furniture that will fit best in that spot for your specific needs we've discussed earlier. This is great for new home buyers who just don't have very much furniture or someone who is looking to revamp their room with a new look.
To book your apt give us a call 613 832-8958 or visit the web www.CapitalHomeStagingAndDesign.ca We are dedicated to getting you the room of your dreams with in ANY budget!
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