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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Why Painting prior to sale is important...Capital Home Staging & Design, Ottawa ontario

Have you ever wondered why it is suggested to paint a house prior to sale? your selling it anyways so what\'s the point??  Well if you like money in your pocket and not left on the table when it comes to selling read on.....

Painting a house in most cases is an excellent investment of time, money and effort. Everyone in this whole world is different, we all have likes, dislikes, beliefs, and religions so why do you think everyone will like YOUR house the way YOU have it decorated? As a professional stager it is our job to help clients neutralize the home so it appeals to the most amount of buyers in the least amount of time as well as help the clients maximize the value of the how can you maximize the value of the home you say well there are many different factors that we can assess and help you out with but let\'s start with PAINT.

1) Neutral Colours:
As mentioned everyone is different so do you think your pastel painted house will appeal to buyers who like dark rich colours or even vice versa?? No they wont and they will feel that they have to paint it BEFORE they move in because the just cant live like that.....When it comes to selling a home keep it neutral which is earthy tones. You can have some "colour" but it\'s harder to pull off with out assessing the home tans, creams, beige, taupe, brown-grey, etc are all colours that would appeal to the "majority" of buyers. FUN NOTE: Did you know that brown is made by mixing all of the colours together which is easy on the eyes which in lighter shades allows people to like the colour more widely!

2) New paint is CRISP & CLEAN
Buyers LOVE to have a crisp, clean home that feels fresh and inviting. Paint has a hard job standing up to us and life with all of our traffic of coming and going, our kids, our pets and the weather and light bleaching. All of these factors can easily make paint feel old, tired, and sad which makes the whole home feel that way too. New paint is new life and buyers love when it feels fresh.

3) Eliminates any odours
Odour is the #1 thing that buyers pay attention to and odours come from may things, smoking, pets, cooking, even crafts of making soaps. This can put off buyers so painting the walls will help eliminate any odours present.

There are 3 strong and very important factors as to why you should paint your home prior to sale.

Capital Home Staging & Design
Putting Capital Back Into Your Home

Kristy Morrison

Property Stylist & CEO



-RESA Rookie of the year finalist (2009 & 2010) for all of North America

-BBB Torch Award Winner for Marketplace Ethics.

We are on: Facebook, Twitter, Linked-In, Active Rain, Blogger, YouTube.

Posted via email from Kristy's posterous

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Fake furniture for staging? Capital Home Staging & Design, Ottawa

An AMAZING alternative for quick stagings of small low-medium priced properties!! Next stage furniture is a US company and this invention is genius....Because I loved the idea of having options for my clients I JUMPED on this idea and was the FIRST company to bring in an option to our Ottawa clients!!

Above you can see the corrugated cardboard pieces of furniture assembled and dressed up with accessories so it looks like a regular functioning couch.....and YES you can sit on it as this unit can hold up to 1000lbs but unfortunately can't with stand the wrath of little jumping kids! Lol

One property we staged with this inventory received $40,000 over the original asking price!!

This is an excellent opportunity to stage a home on a budget!

Kristy Morrison
Capital Home Staging & Design
613  832-8958 /
Sent from my iPad

Posted via email from Kristy's posterous